Meeting – 7th February 2023
Partick Free Church of Scotland Hall
6.30pm – 8.00pm
- Jamie MacBrayne
- Shaun Conroy
- PC Mark Richardson
- Colin Price
- Dora McManus
- Stevie Marshall
- G Ross-Hargeives
- Lana Reid-McConnell
- Eunis Jassemi
Aim to get a representative from TCC to be involved with the Victoria Park Trust
- Update from PC Mark Richardson
– There has been a decrease in crime in the area
– Disposable vapes in local shops have been sold to youngster and this issue will be address with shop owners
– PC Andrew McKay has put together a report regarding the Roundabout.
– There has been a recorded increase in catalytic converters stolen
– Decrease in violent incidents
Discussion with members regarding the possibility of speed gun traps at Drive Thru locations - Update from Lana Reid McConnell
– Area Partnership: They are looking at the possibility of turning the Thornwood roundabout into 1 lane
– (This will be fed out to the wider community in time.)
– Will be taking suggestions for improving the pedestrianised areas of the roundabout
– There are concerns about the possible build of traffic with the reduction to a single lane on the roundabout and the pollution impact.
– Funding to be possibly used on the upgrade of playpark surface in the children’s play area of Thornwood park. - Thornwood Coat of arms
– It was voted through by the council that this is an avenue worth pursuing.
– It could be included and promoted as part of the investment in the school grounds
– Shaun Conroy to look at the funding possibilities. - Western Road Action Group (WRAG) (Colin Price)
Nothing new to report.
Colin suggested we should be holding local government to account re targets for buses all becoming electric. It seems that the targets are not currently being met. We need to be putting on pressure to deliver on things that have already been promised. - Publicity
Getting info out to wider public (Lana suggested a comms officer to tackle all facebook, twitter & website if we can get the existing details.