Our Mission
The mission of Thornwood Community Council (TCC) is to significantly support our community, improve our environment and support opportunities for social inclusion.
A Community Council is a voluntary group set up and recognised by the local authority, i.e. Glasgow City Council, to represent and express views of the entire community within its agreed boundaries.
Meetings are open to the public and Thornwood Community Council meets on the first Tuesday of the month except January, July, and August.
We meet from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm in the church hall at the Thornwood Avenue end of Thornwood Terrace.
TCC continues to…
- Invite our local city councillors to our meetings
- Invite representation from Police Scotland to our meetings
- Engage with neighbouring community councils and local action groups
- Monitor licensing and planning applications submitted to Glasgow City Council
- Encourage local residents to attend our meetings- strive to make Thornwood a better place to live, work and play
Thornwood Community Council boundaries
Thornwood is an area of Glasgow, lying to the north of the River Clyde. It is situated on the river between Partick and Whiteinch, with Broomhill to the north. It was part of the burgh of Partick until the absorption of that burgh into the expanding city of Glasgow in 1912.

Community minutes
A journey through time
The history of Thornwood
Take a trip through the history of your Thornwood district.