Glasgow City Bonfire/FireworksProtocol 2023

Fireworks misuse and bonfires are serious problems and can have a detrimental effect on community safety and those living within our communities.

Bonfires traditionally accompany the November 5th celebrations; however, they are frequently a source of danger due to their location or construction and can also be a focus for anti-social behaviour.

To minimise the cause and effects of fireworks misuse and the associated dangers, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS), Glasgow City Council (GCC), Neighbourhoods Regeneration and Sustainability (NRS), Police Scotland (PS), Trading Standards, Crimestoppers, Scottish Burned Children’s Club and other partner agencies have agreed this joint protocol for identifying, reporting and the removal of bonfires/bonfire material alongside a bold education and youth engagement strategy.

This protocol will ensure consistency, building on good practice and therefore increasing safety in public spaces.

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