Minute of meeting on 02/04/2024
Held at Partick Free Church Hall 2-4 Thornwood Terrace, Glasgow G11 7QZ (6.30pm)
TCC Members
Shaun Conroy (chair)
Jamie MacBrayne (treasurer)
Colin Price (acting secretary)
Geraldine Ross-Hargreaves
Nicolas Dear
Seamus Gallagher
Stephen Marshall
Ex Officio Members
Other attendees
PC Andy McKay (Police Scotland)
Three members of the public
Apologies Received in Advance
Alison Kerr (member)
Madeline Jansen (member)
Councillor Eunis Jassemi (Scottish Labour Party)
Not present
Ailie Hunter (member)
Councillor Lana Reid-McConnell (Scottish Green Party)
Councillor Feargal Dalton (Scottish National Party)
- Chair welcomed members of the community council and three members of the public.
Apologies were noted.
- Glasgow Community Food Network (Ailee Burns)
Ailee was unable to attend and sent her apologies.
- Shaun proposed the approval of the previous minute. Seconded by Colin.
- Treasurer’s report
Jamie presented the treasurer’s report (filed separately).
Since GCC was not yet able to clarify their situation re. Public Liability Insurance it was agreed that TCC would arrange their own to cover activities such as litter picking.
It was agreed that the litter picking activity organised for 13th April would be a TCC council event but organised in conjunction with Love Thornwood.
- Police Scotland Report (Andy McKay)
- Andy noted that there had been a decline in housebreaking but a rise in violence associated with shoplifting.
- With regard to bike thefts Andy reminded the meeting that high quality locks were available from the police free of charge. Shaun agreed to publicise this on the Love Thornwood FB page.
- Andy noted that there will be a Social Media drop-in event at Thornwood Primary to help alert the young people to the dangers associated with social media. There will also be a pop-up event in Sainsburys to alert people to some of the scams that are currently circulating.
- Andy apologised in advance that he will not be able to attend the next meeting due to a prior commitment.
There was discussion about progress re. improvements to Thornwood roundabout and in particular the junction associated with Sawmill Road/South St/Castlebank St.
- It is currently unclear if GCC are preparing a report on the situation. Shaun noted that on a previous occasion GCC sent one person to observe for one hour and it was questionable whether this was enough to give a true representation of the problem.
- It was noted that the problem with the Sawmill Rd junction was particularly acute at peak times.
- The tentative police proposal that there should be no right hand turn from Castlebank St into Sawmill Rd was discussed. Nic noted that this would cause problems for people in Glasgow Harbour forcing many more to turn right on exiting and asked if lights were a better option. Andy said lights were an option but would be likely to cause cars to back up onto the roundabout with subsequent holdups on adjoining roads.
- There is to be a meeting of Victoria Park Area Partnership at Whiteinch Centre 9th April at 4pm to discuss/agree a £100k financial contribution for preliminary studies on how to improve the roundabout. Colin queried the figure as it appeared the annual budget for VPAP was only £60k. This will be clarified at the meeting.
Nic asked for clarity about access to the CCTV in the Dandara car park given recent damage to cars. Andy confirmed that such access was only at police request.
- Elected representatives report.
There were no elected representatives present.
- Alison stepping down as Secretary.
The meeting thanked Alison for her work as secretary.
Nic nominated Colin for secretary and as third signatory on the bank account. Jamie seconded and Colin accepted.
- Update on Area Partnership (Ailie).
Ailie had sent a message that there was nothing specific to report as there was ongoing discussion and decisions deferred to a later meeting.
- Update on Victoria Park Trust (Geraldine)
- TCC thanks VPT for the donation of 1000 bulbs which Shaun has planted in the community.
- It was agreed that TCC were not in a position to commit to being trustees with monthly attendance at meetings but we could remain as members with quarterly representation. Geraldine will communicate this to Robert.
- Update on Pitch to Greenspace.
- Shaun noted that there would be a visit to the site 4th April at 11am. and a further meeting of partners week commencing 15th April.
- The survey kindly set up by Eco Trust has so far elicited just over 100 replies.
- It was noted that GCC education dept had now been alerted to the possible availability of the land which they might sell. Shaun emphasised the need to impress on the Council the need for green space in the area particularly given that recent green spaces have recently been sold off.
- Shaun will circulate the proposal for people to make suggestions.
- From the survey the most common problem anticipated was anti-social behaviour and vandalism. Shaun suggested that there was a need for a multi-agency approach to deal with this.
- It was agreed that Ailee Burns will be reinvited to the May meeting and Mark from NRS who was going to be invited will now be invited to the June meeting.
- There was a brief discussion about bin hubs but it seems that there has been no update as yet from GCC about the roll-out of these.
- Problems with potholes and parking were both noted.
- Date of next meeting 7th May 2024