Meeting – 6th June 2023
Partick Free Church of Scotland Hall
6.30pm – 8.00pm
Elected Members
Shaun Conroy (acting chair)
Jamie MacBrayne (acting secretary, acting treasurer)
Ailie Hunter
Colin Price
Stephen Marshall
Linda Connon
Geraldine Ross-Hargreaves
Invited Representatives
Councillor Lana Reid-McConnell (Scottish Green Party)
4 members of the public
(including two prospective new members: Nicolas Dear, Seamus-Padraic Gallagher)~
Apologies Recieved
Dora McManus
PC Andy McKay (Police Scotland)
- Welcome, Apologies and Any Other Matters
The draft minutes for the previous meeting on 2nd May 2023 were approved; proposed by J MacBrayne, seconded by C Price. J MacBrayne proposed that the outstanding arrears on the rental of the church hall are paid, and presented an invoice to the meeting for £175 from Partick Free Church of Scotland for the use of the church hall at 4 Thornwood Terrace. It was agreed that a cheque for the full amount should be signed as payment. Seconded by A Hunter. - Elected Representatives Reports
Councillor Lana Reid-McConnell
Cllr Reid-McConnell is pursuing the matter of planters being provided for the Thornwood area.
Consultation ongoing by Glasgow City Council re artwork at Thornwood roundabout.
The proposal for a crossing on the Whiteinch side of the Thornwood roundabout has been rejected as it would be too close to the off ramp of the expressway but there is funding in place for improvement so other solutions are being investigated.
Pushing for funds from the parks development fund to get Thornwood Park improved. Written to Carol Monaghan MP re recent CityFibre infrastructure installation works, awaiting a response.
Following up on procuring two benches for the Thornwood area.
Spoken with Peel Land & Property about the area of land which is boarded up along the Clydeside and has been told that the ground contains unhealthy material but there is consideration of installing a new pathway in that area.
On the subject of litter, Councillor Reid-McConnell offered to get copies of any communications with GCC for distribution amongst TCC members.
Trying to get benches installed in the retail park at Crow Road.
A member of the public highlighted that at the recent walkabout with GCC there was a commitment to improve the road markings around Thornwood roundabout but this has not happened yet. They also commented that the drains at Castlebank Drive have been cleared and the local residents are happier.
A Hunter asked about the location of the proposed benches. Was told that one will be at the NHS clinic on Dumbarton Road, the other is undecided.
S Conroy mentioned that there had recently been a report of the drains smelling unpleasant or gassy outside the row of shops at Thornwood roundabout. Also mentioned that Marks & Spencer have applied to expand their licence to sell alcohol to include property that was the old Argos store at Crow Road retail park. - Love Thornwood (Shaun Conroy)
Love Thornwood received a grant to purchase watering backpacks to maintain the local planters, for which the group is very grateful, and also to purchase some bird boxes.
The latest fund ideas event at The Annexe was poorly attended. S Conroy highlighted the fact that there are funds available up to £1500 and encouraged others to apply. - General Discussion
L Connon asked if anyone knew why new parking bays had been created on Castlebank Street / South Street and was informed by Cllr Reid-McConnell that these were created to accommodate residents of Glasgow Harbour as some residents’ parking bays had to be cordoned off due to ongoing works.
A Hunter contacted Steven Dowling of GCC to ask for advice on TCC paying expenses to members for costs incurred. S Dowling advised that it is not acceptable for members to spend money on behalf of the community council then retrospectively claim these expenses. Any expenditure must be agreed in advance of the spending. Regarding a query about expenses for meetings in cafes, etc., S Dowling said that in general, while no-one should be out of pocket, expenses for taking people to cafes should be rare, and only if on essential (or agreed-upon) community council business. He also said that we shouldn’t be using the community council budget to meet local representatives as they can be met at their surgeries or in the Chambers.
There was a discussion amongst the members about how to accommodate minor expenses at one to one meetings with local representatives, as it may not always be possible to get the group to vote on such expenses at a formal community council meeting prior to the one to one meeting taking place. It was generally agreed that minor expenses such as a tea/coffee and cake could be claimed retrospectively but we have yet to come up with and agree upon a formal policy. J MacBrayne agreed to draft a proposed policy for the group to consider. - Victoria Park Trust (Geraldine Ross-Hargreaves)
VPT has obtained £3000 of funding.
£250 of this is to be allocated for planting of bulbs.
There is a potential grant of up to £5000 available from the Woodland Trust for the planting of trees along the expressway.
There’s an ongoing public consultation to gauge opinion about a café in Victoria Park.
The tennis courts are currently being upgraded, and a booking system is due to be introduced. They should be free of charge during the day and payable after 5pm.
There is also a suggestion of free tennis lessons and reduced charges for some.
There is a £6000 grant available for a refresh of the art work at the toilets area of the park. Scottish Water are carrying out work to fix problems with the waste pipe at the toilets area.
Cllr Reid-McConnell said there is a plan to bid for funding to improve the toilets area, and there is also a proposal to hold a farmers’ market in Victoria Park. - Any Other Business
S Marshall is continuing to work on a website for TCC. All submissions of content from TCC members would be most welcome.
C Price mentioned that there is a gap in the fence at the pitches at Thornwood Primary through which children are getting in order to play football on the pitches. It was generally agreed that this is of little concern, but Colin expressed some concern that the vandalised fence might lead to less desirable behaviour in the future.
The next meeting of TCC will be on Tuesday 5th September 2023 in the church hall.
Thank you to all for attending.