Thornwood Community Council
Minutes of meeting 4th June 2024 at 6.30pm in Partick Free Church of Scotland Hall
Shaun Conroy (Chair), Jamie MacBrayne (Treasurer), Nic Dear , Seamus-Padraic Gallagher, Alison Kerr (minuting in Secretary’s absence), Stephen Marshall, Geraldine Ross-Hargreaves, Mark McColgan (NRS).
2 members of the public
Colin Price, Madeline Jansen, Ailie Hunter, Cllr Lana Reid-McConnel (ex-officio member),
Not present
Cllr Feargal Dalton (ex-officio member), Cllr Eunis Jassemi (ex-officio member), PC Andy McKay (Police Scotland)
- Welcome and apologies.
The chair welcomed those present and advised of the above apologies. A special welcome was extended to guest Mark McColgan of Glasgow City Council’s Neighbourhood, Regeneration and Sustainability (NRS) dept.
- Guest speaker Mark McColgan
Mark set out his role as neighbourhood co-ordinator across Ward 12, with a specific interest in Thornwood as one of the most populous areas. He stressed his wish to make Ward 12 the best ward in Glasgow and his desire to work positively and collaboratively with local communities and community councils.
A number of general issues and concerns were discussed with Mark, who stressed that specific, single issues eg potholes, lighting faults etc should be reported through the My Glasgow app wherever possible (to ensure accurate recording and resource calculations). He will, of course, continue to work closely with the Community Council and broader issues can be raised with him in the usual way.
a) Tree / shrubbery planting at the expressway. AP Mark agreed to continue discussing this with Shaun, given Shaun’s concerns that shrubbery would be insufficient as a noise and visual barrier.
b) Mark noted concerns as to ease of using My Glasgow app, plus lack of action sometimes after reporting through this means. Mark provided members with business cards with telephone numbers for various fault reporting depts.
c) AP Mark agreed to check with GCC the status of the planned introduction of residential parking zone restrictions in Thornwood and will get back to Shaun once he has a response.
d) Mark noted concerns with lack of uplift of food waste bins in the area and – in relation to composting bins etc at the primary school – AP Mark offered Shaun a Zoom / Teams call with the Parks Department Team to discuss.
e) Mark confirmed that bin hubs were unlikely to be installed in Thornwood, as it was unlikely any risk assessment would identify them as needed.
f) Mark confirmed that overgrown hedges were the responsibility of the owners. If they were affecting pavement access, however, they could be reported to GCC Roads dept who would write to owners to cut them back. Inconsiderate car parking and potholes were also raised as hazards and obstructions to pedestrians and particularly wheelchair users.
Shaun thanked Mark for coming along to the meeting, especially as this was outwith his working hours.
Mark left the meeting at this point.
- Minutes of the previous meeting
These had been previously circulated and were proposed as correct by Shaun, seconded by Jamie and approved.
- Matters arising and general activity (community issues)
Retention of 30mph speed limit in Thornwood when 20mph being introduced elsewhere. This issue will be discussed at forthcoming GCC Traffic meeting on 17th June which Colin Price will be attending, health permitting.
Concern at level of rubbish accumulating on Crow Road, due to lack of bins and littering.
Flagging near-completion of new pedestrian Partick-Govan bridge and suggestion that TCC gets involved or initiates events around its official opening, whenever that may be.
Drug dealing from taxis in the Broomhill Drive . Norby Road area. Discussed that police were undoubtedly aware but may be limits on what information they can share. AP Shaun will email Andy to raise the issue.
- Resignation of Vice-Chair
Alison Kerr confirmed her resignation from the Vice Chair position and that this would also be her last meeting as a Member of Thornwood Community Council, due to a forthcoming permanent move outwith the Thornwood area. Chair and members thanked her for her contributions over the last three years. Due to low numbers and no immediate volunteers for the Vice Chair role, discussion and any decision on this was tabled to the next meeting in September.
- Community Council Development session
No update on the session was available, as a result of Colin’s necessary absence.
- Elected Representatives Update
No attendees, n/a.
- Police Scotland Report
No attendee, n/a.
- Community Matters
162 responses to survey on the use of the Thornwood school pitches as a community green space. Members discussed the potential here, especially given the approaching 125th anniversary of the primary school. Shaun issued an open invite to join him on Sunday mornings, and possibly Sunday afternoons, helping to tidy up and maintain the pitches area. Confirmed that this greenspace would be for a whole community space, not limited to school users.
- Treasurer Report
No recent expenditure. Agreed that £175 would be paid to the church for the use of the church hall as the TCC meeting space.
- Planting proposal
Discussed at length and agreed that TCC would only consider:
- formal written costed proposals for local planting
- from organisations rather than individuals
- that would benefit more than one area of the community.
As spaces are available and with Alison’s departure, Shaun encouraged any local residents with an interest in becoming a TCC Member to come along to one of the meetings and/or discuss this with an existing Member.
There being no further business the chair adjourned the meeting.
There will be a two month summer break, with meetings resuming Tuesday 3 September 2024.