March 2023

Meeting – 7th March 2023
Partick Free Church of Scotland Hall
6.30pm – 8.00pm



Shaun Conroy
Jamie MacBrayne
Alison Kerr
Dora McManus
Colin Price
Feargal Dalton
Stevie Marshall
Robert Mellish (guest)

Apologies Received

Lana Reid-McConnell

  1. Welcome, Apologies and Matters Arising
    Shaun welcomed everyone to the meeting, noting apologies received and issuing a special welcome to new Thornwood councillors Colin Price and Dora McManus. He also provided a quick recap of the previous meeting on 7 February 2023.

    Matter Arising – TCC email address
    Due to recent rapid turnover in councillors and their roles, there is still no access to the TCC email address or WordPress site. Stevie M suggested approaching Glasgow City Council to request they simply set up a city council Thornwood CC mailbox that could be used by the community council continuously, even if councillors / Secretary had to stand down.

    Action. Jamie M agreed to approach Stephen Dowling at GCC re a GCC mailbox; explore an interim mailbox; and attempt to contact previous Secretary to shut down the existing mailbox.

  2. Police Scotland Report
    N/a – no Police representative was able to attend.

  3. Elected Representative Report
    Feargal Dalton provided a brief update, noting current issues around road repairs, fly tipping and the 5% increase in Glasgow council tax.

    Feargal is happy to be contacted if anyone has queries on these or any other relevant matters.

  4. Thornwood Coat of Arms
    Shaun advised that, following discussion at last meeting as to the benefits of a Coat of Arms, it does meet the criteria for one-off Area Partnership funding, with full costs likely to be up to £5000. Shaun and councillors agreed keen for a local school to come up with design ideas, which could then be passed to official designers via the Court of the Lord Lyon.

    Noted, however, that the application would need to be made by 22 March 2023 which may not be possible due to stringent paperwork requirements.

  5. Thornwood Pitches
    Noted that this is bring explored, as there is some uncertainty over who would be responsible to carry out a required feasibility study on use of the pitches. To note that Area Partnerships can provide funding on a one-off basis only – they cannot meet any recurring costs. Action: Shaun and the TCC will continue to explore this possible resource / event space.

  6. Other Issues

    Castlebank Street Drive-Through
    Local Glasgow Harbour residents attending, this evening’s meeting, noted that they had secured an undertaking from Starbucks and Burger King for litter-picking at the site, although unsure if this undertaking would be kept. Feargal D offered his support for increased bins on the site and – for any potential volunteers – also raised the option of approaching the city council’s ‘neighbourhood improvement volunteers’ service for equipment and assistance: Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteers – Glasgow City Council

    Thornwood Roundabout
    Shaun noted that there was n ow consensus across multiple neighbouring community councillors that there were serious safety concerns with the Thornwood Roundabout, with collaboration in place to identify any quick and low cost solutions.

  7. Western Road Action Group
    Guest speaker Rob Mellish presented on a new campaigning group established to mitigate some of the negative impacts on the local area caused by the major 1960s/70s roadworks and construction that split and separated what were previously close community neighbourhoods. Councillors queried what proposals and plans were already in place and, given this was still in progress, agreed to support the work of the group in order to input to their development. Action: A designated TCC representative will be identified and attend the WRAG.

  8. AOB