Celebrating 125 years of Thornwood

This year marks our school’s 125 year anniversary!

We plan to mark this special occasion with a whole school community celebration on Friday 19th September 2025. To help plan and deliver this event we are looking for members of our school community – pupils (past and present), parents, teachers, partners, neighbours and businesses to form a team and work together in celebration of Thornwood past, prestn and future.

If you would be interested in talking part, have ideas of how we could celebrate and could commit your time to the planning and delivery of our event, we will be hosting our first ideas and planning meeting on Wednesday 30th April at 9.30am in Thornwood Primary School.

Please use the QR code or link to sign up to attend or contact the school office on 0141 334 4271

We believe that together we can plan something wonderful for our whole community!

Thank you,
Thornwood Primary School

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